bears the imprimatur, "cum permissue superiorum."

The Board of Social Ministry of the Lutheran Church in America

will take the initiative in providing a series of working papers on sex in contemporary American society, papers which might lead to the adoption of positions taken by the church officially.

In San Francisco, as reported in ONE Confidential (October, 1964) many churches, under the leadership of the (Methodist) Glide Foundation, have been getting together to study homosexuals and the church. The group of ministers reportedly has visited the Alcoholic Beverage Control board and informed them that the board is vio-

lating homosexuals' civil rights by persecuting them and the bars they frequent. At a drag halloween ball "protected" by the ministers, held at the San Francisco Hilton, the police were harassed by the ministers for being at the ball in such large numbers, there was also a drag ball at the Sheraton Hotel.

Hazel Pulling, Librarian at California Western University (Methodist) in San Diego, has refused any books on homosexuality and the editor of Motive has admitted that his publication and the church. as a whole, probably is not ready for an article on the subject.

A Methodist member of ONE, offered to pay for subscriptions to be sent to Methodist related colleges, but all of them contacted have refused to allow a homosexual publication to be put out for the students to see.


It is interesting to consider the question of whether private colleges allow more freedom to

teachers and students in seeking education and learning than do public supported ones. The contention has been that private colleges would not be subjected to pressures from politicans who, fearing their constitutents of different persuasions, would. try to prevent discussion of controversial subjects. Some states actually have passed laws to prevent evolution from being taught in in public


But the fact is that most private colleges do not and have not al-


lowed honest research on troversial matters. Southern colleges privately owned were not integrated until the public state supported schools were, and while some state

supported schools have had seminars on homosexuality, very few private ones have.


In the Milwaukee area, US Public Health Service is "concentrating on male homosexuals" who, according to an an article in the 12/13/64 Milwaukee Journal, "are believed to be the source of about half of new infectious syphilis cases in large cities." The article does mention the fact that "homosexual behavior is illegal in all but a few states . . . a defendant in North Carolina has been sentenced to prison for 20 to 30 years

To expect homosexuals to flock into any gov't. office and give homosexual contacts is naive. They want their homosexual cake and homosexual branding and penicillin, too.

They say their "investigators" are "inquiring into infectious syphilis, not homosexuality." From the viewpoint of a hetero govt MD, this little nicety of govt's right hand pretending not to know what